Leather Archives & Museum
6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago IL
Featuring fixed-frame one-take moving image, Restraint emphasizes structural rigor, intimacy, and the freedoms, limitations, and joys of utilizing control in order to realize personal pursuits. This programming series is a collaboration with The Leather Archives & Museum.

Jenyu Wang
Leather Archives & Museum
6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago IL
December 5, 2019
Jenyu Wang engages political and romantic concerns by portraying experiences of trauma. Oftentimes she employs the tools of moving image and photography, frequently with sculptural work, to create installations and showcase specific triggers. The hyper-specificity of image provides fertile grounds for sensorially heightened scenarios. Vulnerability in discursive spaces and expanded definitions, safety as constructions, pain as a motif, manifestations of trauma, as well as experiencing love and losing it, are themes that recur as Jenyu manages her identity being a woman of color. Jenyu’s purpose and inspiration in art making has always been about highlighting the fraught place of intimacy, trust, comfort, and the safety of history. She believes the only way to defeat the superior is to reproach the wound, transforming it. For more information, please visit jenyujenyu.com.

Jessica Pierotti
How to Work Together Part 2
Leather Archives & Museum
6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago IL
November 7, 2019
Jessica Pierotti is an interdisciplinary artist, photographer and educator based in Chicago, Illinois, USA. She received her Masters in Fine Arts from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2016 and currently works as a lecturer at the School of the Art Institute, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the City Colleges of Chicago. Jessica is an obsessive list-maker and has a hard time not eavesdropping in public. Jessica's artistic practice struggles with anxiety, control, absurdity, and an obsessive and sincere interest in attempting to understand the world. She is an image maker that is hungry to better understand the impact of mediation and reproduction through video, photography and sculpture. Jessica often works with her immediate surroundings and everyday objects as a means of focusing in on the impact of modest gestures. For more information, please visit howcouldiknow.com.

Amina Ross
Eclipsing (Body)
Leather Archives & Museum
6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago IL
October 10, 2019
An undisciplined creator, Amina Ross creates boundary-crossing works that embrace embodiment, imaging technologies, intimacy and collectivity in physical and digital spaces. Amina has exhibited work, spoken on panels, and taught workshops at venues throughout the United States and most recently in the Netherlands at BarTalk and in Cuba as a part of the 2019 Havana Biennial. Amina founded and co-organized ECLIPSING, a multi-media festival celebrating darkness, the participatory performance series Beauty Breaks, and the venue F4F. Amina was a 2018-2019 Artist-in-Residence at Arts & Public Life and the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture at the University of Chicago. Ross is currently an MFA candidate at Yale School of Art within the sculpture department. For more information, please visit aminaross.com.

The Leather Archives & Museum was founded by Chuck Renslow and Tony DeBlase in 1991 as a community archives, library, and museum. The mission of the organization is making leather, kink, BDSM, and fetish accessible through research, preservation, education and community engagement. For more information, please visit leatherarchives.org.
Chicago Artist Writers | Restraint at the Leather Archives and Museum by Annette LePique | January 5, 2020
Boyfriend at Leather Archives & Museum | Bad at Sports - December 5, 2019