1224 W Loyola Ave, Chicago IL
March 3, 2021 - March 6, 2021
Work in progress – sculptural installation by Molly Roth Scranton, video by Kera Mackenzie, with audio by Linda Jankowska and Katherine Young. This iteration of BOUNDARYMIND is experienced directly from the street, while the space remains closed to the public. Sculpture on view 24/7, with video and audio activated after dark.

CALL FOR RECORDINGS from Katie Young and Linda Jankowska:
We invite anyone tuning in to create a sound recording of a household object with personal significance. Any object! Childhood toys, tattered T-shirts or sentimental souvenirs. Anything! Without damaging the object, scrape, tap, bow, boing, ping, and otherwise resonate it. Play around. Explore the quiet details it offers. Then, with your permission, we will remix these recordings for broadcast on Lumpen Radio and future boundarymind productions.
Submit your recordings to boundarymind2021@gmail.com. Stereo wave formats are preferred, but we are happy with any formats you might record in. Please either submit your files via email or provide a link to a downloadable file stored in the cloud. More info at boundarymind.com/samples.

BOUNDARYMIND is a collaborative work which will culminate in an evening-length electroacoustic sound piece and aggregating installation that explores and transgresses the geographical, cultural, psychological, and musical boundaries that impact how we share our past, present, and future selves with others. Developed over the course of seven years by Linda Jankowska and Katherine Young, the project will also present video art by Kera Mackenzie and a performative sculpture by Molly Roth Scranton. Additional production partners include Experimental Sound Studio, 6018North, and PO Box Collective. For full project information, please visit boundarymind.com.
The complete work will premiere at 6018North. Two public performances will include original, collaboratively composed music presented within a multimedia environment. Throughout the performance space we will install objects and materials – ceramic pots, plastic toys, wooden spoons, pine straw, sugar packets, and other things – chosen for their personal significance and power to evoke memories of places from our childhoods. For Linda, the space is a cottage in rural Poland where she spent formative years. For Katie, it is her early childhood home in Mississippi. On a series of visits in 2015, we gathered objects and sound recordings from these places.

Working on this project, we have become acutely aware of how sharing the history and the personal significance of the objects we are performing with deepens our connection, allowing us to build the trust we need to make music together. Our collaborative process and BOUNDARYMIND’s unique soundworld became charged with emotional significance and shared meaning. Thus, in this project the unexpectedly musical sounds of household objects allow us to investigate the formation of bonds forged by individuals from different backgrounds. Taking our collaborative musical relationship as a starting point, we will invite listeners and other makers to contribute to the work, sharing memories and sounds from their pasts, as well as their aspirations for our collective future.