A Place to Fall Into
1224 W Loyola Ave, Chicago IL
April 12, 2021 - April 18, 2021

A Place to Fall Into will be projected each afternoon and evening, visible directly from the street at 1224 W Loyola Ave while the space itself remains closed to the public. This video is documentation of a movement work by Jordan Rosenow presented on June 28, 2018 at the Walker Art Center as part of Terrace Thursdays curated by Jacqueline Stahlmann. A Place to Fall Into was a series of unfixed performances concentrated on proximity, slowness, and the tension between bodies and sculpture. For three hours performers moved at a glacial pace through the building’s terrace, adjacent galleries, and amongst the crowd. Occasionally two performers would cross paths and join for an extended duet before continuing on a solo route.
Performers include Judith Holo Lue Choy, Lauren Coleman, Caitlin Dippo, Malakai Greiner, Katrina Matejcik, Amal Rogers, Jordan Rosenow, and Joél Valdez. Costumes were created by Katrina Matejcik and the work was filmed by Justin Sengly.
Jordan Rosenow is a sculptor and performance artist who focuses on queering building materials through choreographic gestures. They investigate relationships of materials and movement by using simple motions such as touching, bending, leaning and standing. Rosenow's choreography is exploring the overlap between dance and sculpture by performing stillness and repetitive movements. Jordan Rosenow is currently based in New York, NY and is from Minneapolis, MN. Rosenow has had exhibitions and installed public art at The White Page, Rochester Art Center, ACRE Projects, The Soap Factory, and Franconia Sculpture Park. Their performance work was recently presented at Lynden Sculpture Garden and the Walker Art Center. For more information, visit jordanrosenow.com.

First image: Katrina Matejcik and Joél Valdez at Walker Art Center; second image: Judith Holo Lue Choy at Walker Art Center – photos by Justin Sengly (2018). Home page image: Jordan Rosenow – photo by Bobby Rogers, courtesy of Walker Art Center. The video A Place to Fall Into at Roman Susan being shared as part of Movement Studies – a new series of screenings, performance, research, workshops, and reading groups created by artists in Chicagoland and across the Great Lakes region investigating social and environmental transitions.