1224 W Loyola Ave, Chicago IL
April 14, 2018 - May 5, 2018
Walking into Roman Susan, it is hard not to look askance. The walls ask you oblique questions. The whole place is a wedge that you are wedged into: the corner of a building that is a large triangular prism interrupting the city’s block-logic. This geometry is only one -ism of “prism” – optical prismatics split light multi-colorfully, while “the prisms through which we perceive” bend our subjectivity. This installation project -isms the prism to see just how the colors, axioms, molecules, and categories scatter forth. Reflection on refractions of light and genealogy, music and materiality.

Andrew Yang is an artist working across flux of the naturalcultural. His projects have been exhibited from Oklahoma to Yokohama, including the 14th Istanbul Biennial (2015) and a solo exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2016). His writings appear in Leonardo, Biological Theory, Art Journal, and Antennae, among others. He teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. For more information, please visit
With contributions to exhibition by Madeleine Aguilar, Rosemary Hall, Raja Halwani, Joshua Kent, Brian Kirkbride, Jonatan Martinez, Kathryn Schaffer with James Arhelger, Greg Smith, and Spectralina.

Essay, soundtrack, et cetera (web site)
Prismisms Exhibition Guide (PDF)