Sunday, June 19 at 8 PM
Can we hallucinate an alternative?
As a continuation of the project Sun Anthem – a video that was part of Streetlight at Roman Susan this past winter – the artist will give an interactive talk that will utilize the projected Sun Anthem piece as both a visual and a prompt for contemplation, meditation, and conversation.
The talk, which will be an abbreviated version of an essay the artist is currently writing, will look at the nature and history of the anthem, utilizing the video's namesake – The Grateful Dead's 1968 album "Anthem of the Sun," as an entry point for exploring experimental/improvisational form and its relationship to consciousness – both in terms of perception itself and political consciousness moreover. Ultimately, Dorr-Niro is interested in a kind of "experimental consciousness" or "vision" as a form of freedom that might lend itself to a broader discussion of agency (and the lack thereof) in our contemporary landscape.

For more artist information, please visit